Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Belated Post in Honor of Independence Day

Because of the hectic goings on the last week or two at my house, I've been unable to post before now. But I wanted to be sure I marked this special occasion and do some sort of a remembrance on my blog, although I'm sure no one reads it.

We celebrated the day, although not fully how I would like to in the future, by going to the local Parade, we had a cake, and we took the kids to see fireworks for the first time after J got off of work.

We did try to at least explain to our older kids that it was America's birthday. But there is so much more to it than just that. Yes. It is the Country's birthday, but it's also a remembrance of what was Fought for and won by those that came before us. It is a day to remember and be grateful for those rights and privileges that were so dearly treasured that are often taken for granted.

I find that on Independence day, if I have a chance to ponder at all, I have a desire to be a more patriotic citizen, and to try and let my voice be heard when it's time to fight to keep those values and rights that we fought so long ago to have today. I have a lot of respect for those that protect our country, specifically the military and different branches therein. I don't know that I have what it takes to be one of them, although I won't even attempt to find out with my family. But there are other ways to fight for our country and our freedoms. Maybe that's something I should work on finding opportunities to do- fighting a more quiet, but just as needed, battle here and there for the rights and freedoms that we enjoy as Americans. Fighting for not just the Legal, but the moral and right privileges as well.

God Bless America. Stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with a light from above.