Sunday, January 24, 2010

A new chain of events.


My first post in months. So. It's been way too long to go over everything that's been going on, even if I could remember all of it! So I'll start in August/ September. That is when we decided we could no longer hold out much longer, and I had to get back into the work force. One of my dear friends in RL convinced me it was in our family's best interest for me to become a CNA. And shortly after that... I felt I needed to take it one step further and get an Associates RN degree. While working towards my other educational goals. Ok. You can say it. I'm officially crazy. I know. But it's fun!

So I took the course in September. Oh. Fun side note. Towards the end of the course, we discovered that DS needed a surgery. Which was scheduled for early October, just after my course had ended. I started Job hunting. The day of the surgery was a bit crazy. We left the girls with Grandma, and got up way too early, helped him through the surgery, got back, both exhausted and ready to rest. I checked the answering machine, where there was a message waiting for me from one of the locations I had dropped off an application with. I call them back, and get asked to come in for an interview that day. I accept the job the following day. DS is totally doing great, just so you know. Didn't want you to think I'd forgotten him.

First day on the Job was October 20th. It's going great! As of late November, Early December, I became an Official Certified Nurses Assistant. Note to self: need to do more follow ups soon!