Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cake Update!

So. I promised photos. I managed to do a much smoother main icing than I normally do- it almost looks like I used fondant, which I didn't. The writing would have been nicer, but I lost my nice writing tip. But not bad for not having done it in over a year!

Friday, May 20, 2011

So Excited

So I am super excited. I just had to share. My darling just called from work. They want me to make a cake! For a newly called Missionary at his work. They are going to do a party. I'm so excited. I've never  been asked to do a cake outside of the family before! I will update and show pictures as I work on it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Mother's Day Rose

Today as I was having a little bit of garden time, in spite of the chilly but wonderful rain, I realized I had yet to trim my rose bush. So I went out and began, and what do you know, but I had a single white rose in full bloom. I was so thrilled I took a picture, so forgive the lack of pruning. But then I got to the pruning, I got to thinking about the simple joys. A single rose in bloom during a rain shower. A baby cooing and exploring the world for the first time. A child learning to share without fussing over a toy. The joys of learning to read for the first time and the new world it opens to explore. The promise of Spring.  The nurturing that it entails.

And I love that I found a White rose during the Rain of spring. What a pure time to find such a symbol of purity. The washing away of the dust, the promise of renewal and growth. I find it truly amazing and symbolic of One's purity, and the process of growing to ones potential. Pruning away that which will not make the whole stronger. Feeding and nurturing and washing down, by study and prayer, and repentance. And Blooming into what our Father had intended for us to be.

Ah Yes. The Joys of Spring

Friday, May 6, 2011

Joys Of Fridays

It has been a glorious Week for me. I've spent a good chunk of time out in the yard, prepping and planting my garden. DH went a little crazy with buying bulbs, and so I've got several coming up now. And he got me 4 rose plants, and 2 Easter lilies, and strawberries. And the apricot tree is in bloom. There is a beautiful blue bird that lives near by and flies near when I'm out and about.
And my vegetable garden is going to be ready to transplant in a couple more weeks.

But the most important garden I'm raising is my sweet, young, not-so-small family. My children. I'm so proud of them. E is learning how to read. C is growing to be a thoughtful young man. You won't find a more loving child than RB, and RA is starting to come into her own personality. And then there is my little Rose bud, O. 5 months old now. She is starting to sit up on her own. She rolls over and can't get enough of her mommy time. I have introduced the House Fairy to them. As much as I try to keep things under control, it can be a touch Chaotic. The House Fairy made her debut this week. Slowly I am starting to see some of the Chaos dissapate. Bed times were really rough. Now they are becoming a pleasure and a joy. Something to look forward to. I am working on myself most of all. Working to allow myself to be molded into a more gentle woman so that I can be a better instrument in the hands of my Father in Heaven. It is a beautiful thing to see that progress.  And that is a short version of why my Friday today was so Joyous.